MAS Boston Winter Retreat

Join us for a winter getaway as we develop a deeper connection to Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (PBUH) and reconnect with

Chit & Chai: Welcoming Ramadan

Malden Islamic Center 405 Pearl St Suite #1, Malden, MA, United States

Join us for a Chit & Chai with Dr. Basyouny Nehela, President and Dean of Academic Affairs at the Boston Islamic Seminary.

Boba & Bonding Picnic

Sennott Park 305 Broadway, Cambridge, MA, United States

Join us for some Boba and a chance to bond with the local Muslim community! We’ll have a spiritual reminder,  games, and

The Story of Prophet Ibrahim

Worcester Islamic Center (WIC) 248 East Mountain Street, Worcester, MA, United States

Join us to reflect on the life of Prophet Ibrahim, the beloved friend of Allah. What does it take to have a

Summer Strolls with MAS Boston

Jericho Town Forest Loop 319 Concord Rd, Weston, MA, United States

Join us as we kick off our MAS Nature Nurture Summer Series with a Summer Stroll. We will be reflecting on how